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Game Name : Final Fantasy 2
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2005-12-20 20:22:48
Views : 24438

Easy experience:
In battle, pick any action that you want to gain experience with (casting magic or attacking) for the first three characters (or two if there are only three). Then, cancel all actions. The game will read that you did those actions and weapons and magic will gain experience.

Note: Before doing this trick, you should have about 150 HP and around 30 MP. Also, everybody in your party should have Cure, and some sort of damaging Black Magic Spell (for example, Fire). Go to a fight where the monsters are very easy to defeat. Kill almost all the enemies and leave one alive. Then, make everybody cast their Black Magic spell on the entire party. Keep doing this until everybody's HP is red (near death). Then, finish the battle by killing the last enemy. Next, go to another battle and kill all but one monster, as before. However, this time make everybody cast Cure on on the entire party. Keep doing this until you run out of MP or your HP is fully restored. After that, finish the battle. After the battle, if you still have enough MP, repeat all the steps until you do run out. When you run out of MP, rest at a Inn. Repeat everything until you have had enough. If done correctly, every time you finish a battle you should have increased the following stats: HP, MP, Magic, Sprit, and Intelligence. The battle where you hurt yourself with Black Magic increases your HP because you lose a lot of it, your MP because you use a lot of it, your Magic because you used Magic, and your Intelligence because you used Black Magic. The same thing occurs in the battle where you heal yourself except instead of increasing your Intelligence, you increase your Spirit because you were using White Magic. Also, if you do this trick a lot of times, you will eventually increase your Magic Spell's level (for example, Cure becomes Cure 2 and Fire becomes Fire 2).

Once you have reached Mysidia, buy the Swap/Change magic and get it to about level 3. Then, go to a place with Hornets, Goblins, or very weak creatures. That place needs to be near a location where you can recover. The best place is Altair. Get into a battle. During it, use Swap/change and your characters will be very weak. Kill the enemies and most of your stats (especially HP and MP) will increase a fair bit. Then, rest in Altair to recover your strength. Repeat this until you are as strong as desired.

Easy HP and Strength:
Go into battle, against Imp or another easy monster. Hit yourself with two or three of your characters, and cure with the other one. Do this a few times, then kill the monster(s). You will gain HP and Strength, which is an easy way to built up a character at the start of the game.

Blood Sword:
You will acquire the Blood Sword during/after your quest to storm Fynn Castle and depose the Dark Forces there. Do not let its attack rating fool you. Equipped on an experience sword user (for example, Firion), the Blood Sword drains the HP from its target to restore the user. Against most enemies, it will drain a good portion of health, making it a quick save in case you run out of magic. Do not bother draining the undead, as it will damage, and not heal. The Blood Sword is most effective against boss battles, or against any monster will a high defense rating, (for example, Red Mousse, Dark Flan, Hill Gigas, Wood Golem, Green Dragon, White Dragon, etc.). The Blood Sword drains HP and ignores enemy defense. Better yet, to enhance its effectiveness, cast Berserk (to increase attack power) and Aura (to increase damage against certain foes) on the person wielding it to maximize attack/drain power. Even the most difficult monsters can fall in a few hits from this thing. Do not sell it. It is to your advantage to train someone extensively in the Sword class to make it an effective weapon for your party.

Easy weapon experience:
To easily gain experience with a certain weapon, get two of the same weapon. Equip both to one person (left and right hands) and fight monsters in the area that you are in. You will get experience for each time you hit with that weapon. The same thing happens with a shield, but with a shield, you cannot attack with it.

Use the following trick to gain one weapon and armor level every fight for the characters in the first three slots. After the opening sequence, when you gain control of the warriors, leave town and get in a fight with a low level monster such as a Hornet or Goblin. If there are multiple monsters, kill all but one. With the characters in your party, select "Fight" from the command menu for everyone except the person in the fourth slot. Once you are able to choose a command for the fourth character, cancel the previous commands and then repeat the process over again. For example, choose "Fight" from the choices in the command list. Next, choose a target for your weapon to hit and confirm your choice by pressing X. Cancel the choice you made by pressing Circle. Repeat those three steps 100 times and you will go up one level per fight. Note: When you first start the game, you only have three characters in your party; you can only do the trick for the first two persons.

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